In this post, we will make a c++ program for a cricket match. You can also download it. Vipul Khokhar makes this post.
Table of Contents
C++ program for a cricket match
There is only one program name virtual-cricket-game. Please download it using this link
DownloadName: C++ program for cricket match.
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class Player { public: Player(); std::string name; int id; int runsScored; int ballsPlayed; int ballsBowled; int runsGiven; int wicketsTaken; }; Player::Player() { runsScored = 0; ballsPlayed = 0; ballsBowled = 0; runsGiven = 0; wicketsTaken = 0; } class Team { public: Team(); std::string name; int totalRunsScored; int wicketsLost; int totalBallsBowled; std::vector<Player> players; }; Team::Team() { totalRunsScored = 0; wicketsLost = 0; totalBallsBowled = 0; } class Game { public: Game(); int playersPerTeam; int maxBalls; int totalPlayers; std::string players[11]; bool isFirstInnings; Team teamA, teamB; Team *battingTeam, *bowlingTeam; Player *batsman, *bowler; void welcome(); void showAllPlayers(); int takeIntegerInput(); void selectPlayers(); bool validateSelectedPlayer(int); void showTeamPlayers(); void toss(); void tossChoice(Team); void startFirstInnings(); void initializePlayers(); void playInnings(); void bat(); bool validateInningsScore(); void showGameScorecard(); void startSecondInnings(); void showMatchSummary(); }; Game::Game() { playersPerTeam = 4; maxBalls = 6; totalPlayers = 11; players[0] = "Virat"; players[1] = "Rohit"; players[2] = "Dhawan"; players[3] = "Pant"; players[4] = "Karthik"; players[5] = "KLRahul"; players[6] = "Jadeja"; players[7] = "Hardik"; players[8] = "Bumrah"; players[9] = "BKumar"; players[10] = "Ishant"; isFirstInnings = false; = "Team-A"; = "Team-B"; } void Game::welcome() { cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "|============== CRIC-IN ==============|" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| Welcome to Virtual Cricket Game |" << endl; cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl << endl; cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "|================== Instructions ==================|" << endl; cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "| |" << endl; cout << "| 1. Create 2 teams (Team-A and Team-B with 4 |" << endl; cout << "| players each) from a given pool of 11 players.|" << endl; cout << "| 2. Lead the toss and decide the choice of play. |" << endl; cout << "| 3. Each innings will be of 6 balls. |" << endl; cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl; } void Game::showAllPlayers() { cout << endl; cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "|========== Pool of Players ==========|" << endl; cout << "---------------------------------------" << endl; cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < totalPlayers; i++) { cout << "\t\t[" << i << "] " << players[i] << endl; } } int Game::takeIntegerInput() { int n; while (!(cin >> n)) { cin.clear(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n'); cout << "Invalid input! Please try again with valid input: "; } return n; } bool Game::validateSelectedPlayer(int index) { int n; vector<Player> players; players = teamA.players; n = players.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (players[i].id == index) { return false; } } players = teamB.players; n = players.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (players[i].id == index) { return false; } } return true; } void Game::selectPlayers() { cout << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "|========== Create Team-A and Team-B ==========|" << endl; cout << "------------------------------------------------" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < playersPerTeam; i++) { // Add player to team A teamASelection: cout << endl << "Select player " << i + 1 << " of Team A - "; int playerIndexTeamA = takeIntegerInput(); if (playerIndexTeamA < 0 || playerIndexTeamA > 10) { cout << endl << "Please select from the given players" << endl; goto teamASelection; } else if (!validateSelectedPlayer(playerIndexTeamA)) { cout << endl << "Player has been already selected. Please select other player" << endl; goto teamASelection; } else { Player teamAPlayer; = playerIndexTeamA; = players[playerIndexTeamA]; teamA.players.push_back(teamAPlayer); } // Add player to team B teamBSelection: cout << endl << "Select player " << i + 1 << " of Team B - "; int playerIndexTeamB = takeIntegerInput(); if (playerIndexTeamB < 0 || playerIndexTeamB > 10) { cout << endl << "Please select from the given players" << endl; goto teamBSelection; } else if (!validateSelectedPlayer(playerIndexTeamB)) { cout << endl << "Player has been already selected. Please select other player" << endl; goto teamBSelection; } else { Player teamBPlayer; = players[playerIndexTeamB]; teamB.players.push_back(teamBPlayer); } } } void Game::showTeamPlayers() { vector<Player> teamAPlayers = teamA.players; vector<Player> teamBPlayers = teamB.players; cout << endl << endl; cout << "--------------------------\t\t--------------------------" << endl; cout << "|======= Team-A =======|\t\t|======= Team-B =======|" << endl; cout << "--------------------------\t\t--------------------------" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < playersPerTeam; i++) { cout << "|\t" << "[" << i << "] " << teamAPlayers[i].name << "\t |" << "\t\t" << "|\t" << "[" << i << "] " << teamBPlayers[i].name << "\t |" << endl; } cout << "--------------------------\t\t--------------------------" << endl << endl; } void Game::toss() { cout << endl; cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl; cout << "|========== Let's Toss ==========|" << endl; cout << "-----------------------------------" << endl << endl; cout << "Tossing the coin..." << endl << endl; srand(time(NULL)); int randomValue = rand() % 2; // 0 or 1 switch (randomValue) { case 0: cout << "Team-A won the toss" << endl << endl; tossChoice(teamA); break; case 1: cout << "Team-B won the toss" << endl << endl; tossChoice(teamB); break; } } void Game::tossChoice(Team tossWinnerTeam) { cout << "Enter 1 to bat or 2 to bowl first. " << endl << "1. Bat" << endl << "2. Bowl " << endl; int tossInput = takeIntegerInput(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n'); switch (tossInput) { case 1: cout << endl << << " won the toss and elected to bat first" << endl << endl; if ("Team-A") == 0) { // if Team-A is the toss winner battingTeam = &teamA; bowlingTeam = &teamB; } else { // else Team-B is the toss winner battingTeam = &teamB; bowlingTeam = &teamA; } break; case 2: cout << endl << << " won the toss and choose to bowl first" << endl << endl; if ("Team-A") == 0) { // if Team-A is the toss winner bowlingTeam = &teamA; battingTeam = &teamB; } else { // else Team-B is the toss winner bowlingTeam = &teamB; battingTeam = &teamA; } break; default: cout << endl << "Invalid input. Please try again:" << endl << endl; tossChoice(tossWinnerTeam); break; } } void Game::startFirstInnings() { cout << "\t\t ||| FIRST INNINGS STARTS ||| " << endl << endl; isFirstInnings = true; initializePlayers(); playInnings(); } void Game::startSecondInnings() { cout << "\t\t ||| SECOND INNINGS STARTS ||| " << endl << endl; isFirstInnings = false; // Swap battingTeam and bowlingTeam pointers Team tempTeam = *battingTeam; *battingTeam = *bowlingTeam; *bowlingTeam = tempTeam; // Select the batsman and the bowler for 2nd Innings initializePlayers(); playInnings(); } void Game::initializePlayers() { // Choose batsman and bowler: Initialize *batsman and *bowler batsman = &battingTeam->players[0]; bowler = &bowlingTeam->players[0]; cout << battingTeam->name << " - " << batsman->name << " is batting " << endl; cout << bowlingTeam->name << " - " << bowler->name << " is bowling " << endl << endl; } void Game::playInnings() { for (int i = 0; i < maxBalls; i++) { cout << "Press Enter to bowl..."; getchar(); cout << "Bowling..." << endl; bat(); if (!validateInningsScore()) { break; } } } void Game::bat() { srand(time(NULL)); int runsScored = rand() % 6; // Update batting team and batsman score batsman->runsScored = batsman->runsScored + runsScored; battingTeam->totalRunsScored = battingTeam->totalRunsScored + runsScored; batsman->ballsPlayed = batsman->ballsPlayed + 1; // Update bowling team and bowler score bowler->ballsBowled = bowler->ballsBowled + 1; bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled = bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled + 1; bowler->runsGiven = bowler->runsGiven + runsScored; if (runsScored != 0) { // if runsScored = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 cout << endl << bowler->name << " to " << batsman->name << " " << runsScored << " runs!" << endl << endl; showGameScorecard(); } else { // else runScored = 0 and the batsman is ‘OUT’ cout << endl << bowler->name << " to " << batsman->name << " OUT!" << endl << endl; battingTeam->wicketsLost = battingTeam->wicketsLost + 1; bowler->wicketsTaken = bowler->wicketsTaken + 1; showGameScorecard(); int nextPlayerIndex = battingTeam->wicketsLost; batsman = &battingTeam->players[nextPlayerIndex]; } } bool Game::validateInningsScore() { if (isFirstInnings) { if (battingTeam->wicketsLost == playersPerTeam || bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled == maxBalls) { cout << "\t\t ||| FIRST INNINGS ENDS ||| " << endl << endl; cout << battingTeam->name << " " << battingTeam->totalRunsScored << " - " << battingTeam->wicketsLost << " (" << bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled << ")" << endl; cout << bowlingTeam->name << " needs " << battingTeam->totalRunsScored + 1 << " runs to win the match" << endl << endl; return false; } } else { // Else 2nd innings if (battingTeam->totalRunsScored > bowlingTeam->totalRunsScored) { //Case1: If batting team score > bowling team score cout << battingTeam->name << " WON THE MATCH" << endl << endl; return false; //Case2: Batting team is all OUT OR Bowling team is done bowling } else if (battingTeam->wicketsLost == playersPerTeam || bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled == maxBalls) { if (battingTeam->totalRunsScored < bowlingTeam->totalRunsScored) { cout << bowlingTeam->name << " WON THE MATCH" << endl << endl; } else { cout << "MATCH DRAW" << endl << endl; } return false; } } return true; } void Game::showGameScorecard() { cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << "\t" << battingTeam->name << " " << battingTeam->totalRunsScored << " - " << battingTeam->wicketsLost << " (" << bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled << ") | " << batsman->name << " " << batsman->runsScored << " (" << batsman->ballsPlayed << ") \t" << bowler->name << " " << bowler->ballsBowled << " - " << bowler->runsGiven << " - " << bowler->wicketsTaken << "\t" << endl; cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl << endl; } void Game::showMatchSummary() { cout << "\t\t ||| MATCH ENDS ||| " << endl << endl; cout << battingTeam->name << " " << battingTeam->totalRunsScored << "-" << battingTeam->wicketsLost << " (" << bowlingTeam->totalBallsBowled << ")" << endl; cout << "==========================================" << endl; cout << "| PLAYER \t BATTING \t BOWLING |" << endl; for (int j = 0; j < playersPerTeam; j++) { Player player = battingTeam->players[j]; cout << "|----------------------------------------|" << endl; cout << "| " << "[" << j << "] " << << " \t " << player.runsScored << "(" << player.ballsPlayed << ") \t\t " << player.ballsBowled << "-" << player.runsGiven << "-" << player.wicketsTaken << "\t |" << endl; } cout << "==========================================" << endl << endl; cout << bowlingTeam->name << " " << bowlingTeam->totalRunsScored << "-" << bowlingTeam->wicketsLost << " (" << battingTeam->totalBallsBowled << ")" << endl; cout << "==========================================" << endl; cout << "| PLAYER \t BATTING \t BOWLING |" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < playersPerTeam; i++) { Player player = bowlingTeam->players[i]; cout << "|----------------------------------------|" << endl; cout << "| " << "[" << i << "] " << << " \t " << player.runsScored << "(" << player.ballsPlayed << ") \t\t " << player.ballsBowled << "-" << player.runsGiven << "-" << player.wicketsTaken << "\t |" << endl; } cout << "==========================================" << endl << endl; } int main() { Game game; game.welcome(); cout << "\nPress Enter to continue"; getchar(); game.showAllPlayers(); cout << "\nPress Enter to continue"; getchar(); game.selectPlayers(); game.showTeamPlayers(); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n'); cout << "\nPress Enter to toss"; getchar(); game.toss(); game.startFirstInnings(); game.startSecondInnings(); game.showMatchSummary(); return 0; }Copy Code
|============== CRIC-IN ==============|
| |
| Welcome to Virtual Cricket Game |
|================== Instructions ==================|
| |
| 1. Create 2 teams (Team-A and Team-B with 4 |
| players each) from a given pool of 11 players.|
| 2. Lead the toss and decide the choice of play. |
| 3. Each innings will be of 6 balls. |
Press Enter to continue
|========== Pool of Players ==========|
[0] Virat
[1] Rohit
[2] Dhawan
[3] Pant
[4] Karthik
[5] KLRahul
[6] Jadeja
[7] Hardik
[8] Bumrah
[9] BKumar
[10] Ishant
Press Enter to continue
|========== Create Team-A and Team-B ==========|
Select player 1 of Team A - 0
Select player 1 of Team B - 1
Select player 2 of Team A - 2
Select player 2 of Team B - 3
Select player 3 of Team A - 4
Select player 3 of Team B - 5
Select player 4 of Team A - 6
Select player 4 of Team B - 7
-------------------------- --------------------------
|======= Team-A =======| |======= Team-B =======|
-------------------------- --------------------------
| [0] Virat | | [0] Rohit |
| [1] Dhawan | | [1] Pant |
| [2] Karthik | | [2] KLRahul |
| [3] Jadeja | | [3] Hardik |
-------------------------- --------------------------
Press Enter to toss
|========== Let's Toss ==========|
Tossing the coin...
Team-A won the toss
Enter 1 to bat or 2 to bowl first.
1. Bat
2. Bowl
Team-A won the toss and elected to bat first
Team-A - Virat is batting
Team-B - Rohit is bowling
Press Enter to bowl...
Rohit to Virat 4 runs!
Team-A 4 - 0 (1) | Virat 4 (1) Rohit 1 - 4 - 0
Press Enter to bowl...
Rohit to Virat 1 runs!
Team-A 5 - 0 (2) | Virat 5 (2) Rohit 2 - 5 - 0
Press Enter to bowl...
Rohit to Virat 4 runs!
Team-A 9 - 0 (3) | Virat 9 (3) Rohit 3 - 9 - 0
Press Enter to bowl...
Rohit to Virat 4 runs!
Team-A 13 - 0 (4) | Virat 13 (4) Rohit 4 - 13 - 0
Press Enter to bowl...
Rohit to Virat 2 runs!
Team-A 15 - 0 (5) | Virat 15 (5) Rohit 5 - 15 - 0
Press Enter to bowl...
Rohit to Virat 2 runs!
Team-A 17 - 0 (6) | Virat 17 (6) Rohit 6 - 17 - 0
Team-A 17 - 0 (6)
Team-B needs 18 runs to win the match
Team-B - Rohit is batting
Team-A - Virat is bowling
Press Enter to bowl...
Virat to Rohit OUT!
Team-B 0 - 1 (1) | Rohit 0 (1) Virat 1 - 0 - 1
Press Enter to bowl...
Virat to Pant OUT!
Team-B 0 - 2 (2) | Pant 0 (1) Virat 2 - 0 - 2
Press Enter to bowl...
Virat to KLRahul 3 runs!
Team-B 3 - 2 (3) | KLRahul 3 (1) Virat 3 - 3 - 2
Press Enter to bowl...
Virat to KLRahul 3 runs!
Team-B 6 - 2 (4) | KLRahul 6 (2) Virat 4 - 6 - 2
Press Enter to bowl...
Virat to KLRahul OUT!
Team-B 6 - 3 (5) | KLRahul 6 (3) Virat 5 - 6 - 3
Press Enter to bowl...
Virat to Hardik OUT!
Team-B 6 - 4 (6) | Hardik 0 (1) Virat 6 - 6 - 4
||| MATCH ENDS |||
Team-B 6-4 (6)
| [0] Rohit 0(1) 6-17-0 |
| [1] Pant 0(1) 0-0-0 |
| [2] KLRahul 6(3) 0-0-0 |
| [3] Hardik 0(1) 0-0-0 |
Team-A 17-0 (6)
| [0] Virat 17(6) 6-6-4 |
| [1] Dhawan 0(0) 0-0-0 |
| [2] Karthik 0(0) 0-0-0 |
| [3] Jadeja 0(0) 0-0-0 |
Viva Questions
- What are inheritance and overloading
- How many classes are used, and how many are derived classes?
- Can you explain in short about each void function?
- How did the bowling and out system work?
- Which is the central part for out, bowling, and toss?
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