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Python Program to Generate a Random Number in 3 easy steps

In this program, we are going to make a python program which will generate random number. Python program to generate a random number between 1 and 1…

Menu driven Program in Python using while loop

A menu driven program is a program that obtains a choice from a user by displaying the menu. Then, it will perform some operations and print the res…

Palindrome Program in Python using for loop [New]

Table of Contents Palindrome program in python using for loop number=input("Enter any number/word :") i=0 for i in range(len(…

Menu-Driven Program in C using Switch Case [New]

In this post, we will make many menu-driven programs for different tasks, like a program to calculate the area of different shapes, perform the given…

Leap Year Program in Python using if-else

In this post, we will make a python program to check whether the given year is a leap year. Leap Year: One year in every four has 366 days [Februar…

Python Program to Check Armstrong Number using while loop

Table of Contents In this program, we will make a program to check whether the given number is Armstrong. We will also make a python prog…

Calculator Program in Python using while loop

Menu-driven calculator program: According to the input, it will perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of two numbers. …